Tis only me

Tis only me

Tuesday, 1 December 2015

Un-peeling the layers of the Craziness, that is Christmas!

As the countdown to Christmas begins, I contemplate this season of so many layers and peel those layers back to when it started, with the Celts. most of this is from bits, I’ve read, heard and surmised myself, I’m not a saltier, but I have recently read a piece, where a man claims Moses, retired to Dingle, Co. Kerry, so-anything is possible? 

At Samhain, the celts would have the animals brought close by, sometimes sharing the same dwelling, food for animals and people would be gathered, stored properly and rationed out for the winter ahead.  These dark days would be spent more in the compound and the people would almost hibernate, only getting up to eat, feed and secure the animals and most importantly, keep the fires burning. the bright hours would be spent making, repairing, creating clothes, tools and other necessary utensils.
I remember my Dad, who was a blacksmith and a harness maker would spend evenings, sewing, stuffing and making.  His Dad was more into basket-making and would in the winter months.

And so, the Winter Solstice would arrive, the 21st of December to us now, but the Celts, like all ancient peoples saw as the scientific and astronomical point when the advancement of  darkness would stop and light would now slowly win the battle.  The Irish for the Solstice is called “Grian Stad” literally “Sun stop”.
It is no surprise, that Newgrange is built simply to let the first light of dawn, race down the corridor to the centre of the building?

This time gave the strongest hope of survival, spring was on her way, not tomorrow or the days ahead, but the seed was set.  Because of dangers of weather and predators, the clans stayed close by the compound, but they brought nature to them for this celebration, by bringing in the greenery into the house and filling the living space with natural trinkets, giving a mental image of the spring to come.  Ivy is also very good for animals to eat, to purge them of intestinal parasites.

They also celebrated the birth of their new sun, with as much light as possible. The light also proved invaluable to let the neighbouring compounds know, who had survived the first half of the bad year, most of these compounds were built in plain view of at least two more! 

I met a woman from Valentia Island, who lived directly across from our house and was delighted to finally meet someone from my family, for many years, she used my Mom’s clothes line as a barometer for her own laundry habits and never met the woman, who was so intrinsically linked. 

The solstice was also a time to take stock of food supplies and rations, not knowing of the 2nd half of Winter to come, or how long before Spring, really made her grand entrance, people still had to fugal, but for the birth of the new Sun, a definite good dinner of Celebration would be Feasted upon. Supplies of food and gifts would be shared amongst the community, ensuring the survival of all, until the Spring.

Christianity then, came to Ireland and it seems, there was never a definite time of Jesus’s birth recorded, but was lumped on to the solstice in order to usurp the festival of Yule.
Since very young, i’ve always loved mythology and stories, the story of Christmas was no exception, as soon as I was old enough, setting up the crib was my job in the preparations. i had a few reservations about the story and to the annoyance of our priest, I would air these on his school visits.
if the three wise men were Kings-the wisest of the wise, what countries did they rule? Where did they start their journey and why? They had such wealth and gifts, would they not set Jesus up for life, stay in touch and make sure, he wanted for nothing?

If Jesus was proclaimed as the messiah, why wasn't he taken from the stable to stay in a god house? What was all the secrecy about? 

King Herod was killing all the male babies in the land, in order to eradicate Jesus, why didn't God step in and stop him? 

But, I suppose, their’d be no story at all, if it all worked out wonderful, in the first place?  

When the pilgrims went to America to live a true life of complete religious observance, they banned Christmas and didn't celebrate it at all. Their counterparts in other parts of the world were having such a great time, as well as the Catholics in America, that not even the simple celebration of thanksgiving would not suffice.  Christmas was reinstated and prospered!

Christmas now has been embellished with many additions from America and beyond, The red suited Santa Claus, the Elf on the Shelf, the Grinch and most recently “Black Friday”.  Which leads on to the next level-consumerism.  In the beginning, people celebrated what they had, now, People celebrate by buying in what they don't have, instead of acknowledging abundance, we now try and commemorate the veneer of abundance. We give, but not what people need, but what we want to be seen giving!

There is another side of Christmas that has gone out of control, it is so in control of Christmas, that I dare not speak his name, but there are huge pressures put on families, this time of year and that has to be endured in silence! I’m not sure if it is such a good thing.  But Charles dickens unwittingly, has given licence for anyone, who pertains to such reality to be cast in the role of villain, better known as Scrooge!

That is the problem, I have with Christmas in these times, it’s shuttles every household into a reality TV slot, where every room, every word, every behaviour has to hit the mark and ring that bell of an unobtainable degree.  There is such a push on homogenising everything and everyone, that the pressure shows up all the chinks in the armour of communities, families and individuals.  Realising and suffering these chinks, leads right back to the hysterical and essential Part of any “Reality TV” -the “emotional freak out”!
At a time, when people should be taking stock of what they have, they concentrating on what they don't have and how extreme, the lengths they’ll go to get it, crushing anyone in their way!

May I suggest, to take time out this year and give the presents of time, kindness and spirit, rather than gold, frankenstein and a mirror?

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