Tis only me

Tis only me

Tuesday, 1 December 2015

Un-peeling the layers of the Craziness, that is Christmas!

As the countdown to Christmas begins, I contemplate this season of so many layers and peel those layers back to when it started, with the Celts. most of this is from bits, I’ve read, heard and surmised myself, I’m not a saltier, but I have recently read a piece, where a man claims Moses, retired to Dingle, Co. Kerry, so-anything is possible? 

At Samhain, the celts would have the animals brought close by, sometimes sharing the same dwelling, food for animals and people would be gathered, stored properly and rationed out for the winter ahead.  These dark days would be spent more in the compound and the people would almost hibernate, only getting up to eat, feed and secure the animals and most importantly, keep the fires burning. the bright hours would be spent making, repairing, creating clothes, tools and other necessary utensils.
I remember my Dad, who was a blacksmith and a harness maker would spend evenings, sewing, stuffing and making.  His Dad was more into basket-making and would in the winter months.

And so, the Winter Solstice would arrive, the 21st of December to us now, but the Celts, like all ancient peoples saw as the scientific and astronomical point when the advancement of  darkness would stop and light would now slowly win the battle.  The Irish for the Solstice is called “Grian Stad” literally “Sun stop”.
It is no surprise, that Newgrange is built simply to let the first light of dawn, race down the corridor to the centre of the building?

This time gave the strongest hope of survival, spring was on her way, not tomorrow or the days ahead, but the seed was set.  Because of dangers of weather and predators, the clans stayed close by the compound, but they brought nature to them for this celebration, by bringing in the greenery into the house and filling the living space with natural trinkets, giving a mental image of the spring to come.  Ivy is also very good for animals to eat, to purge them of intestinal parasites.

They also celebrated the birth of their new sun, with as much light as possible. The light also proved invaluable to let the neighbouring compounds know, who had survived the first half of the bad year, most of these compounds were built in plain view of at least two more! 

I met a woman from Valentia Island, who lived directly across from our house and was delighted to finally meet someone from my family, for many years, she used my Mom’s clothes line as a barometer for her own laundry habits and never met the woman, who was so intrinsically linked. 

The solstice was also a time to take stock of food supplies and rations, not knowing of the 2nd half of Winter to come, or how long before Spring, really made her grand entrance, people still had to fugal, but for the birth of the new Sun, a definite good dinner of Celebration would be Feasted upon. Supplies of food and gifts would be shared amongst the community, ensuring the survival of all, until the Spring.

Christianity then, came to Ireland and it seems, there was never a definite time of Jesus’s birth recorded, but was lumped on to the solstice in order to usurp the festival of Yule.
Since very young, i’ve always loved mythology and stories, the story of Christmas was no exception, as soon as I was old enough, setting up the crib was my job in the preparations. i had a few reservations about the story and to the annoyance of our priest, I would air these on his school visits.
if the three wise men were Kings-the wisest of the wise, what countries did they rule? Where did they start their journey and why? They had such wealth and gifts, would they not set Jesus up for life, stay in touch and make sure, he wanted for nothing?

If Jesus was proclaimed as the messiah, why wasn't he taken from the stable to stay in a god house? What was all the secrecy about? 

King Herod was killing all the male babies in the land, in order to eradicate Jesus, why didn't God step in and stop him? 

But, I suppose, their’d be no story at all, if it all worked out wonderful, in the first place?  

When the pilgrims went to America to live a true life of complete religious observance, they banned Christmas and didn't celebrate it at all. Their counterparts in other parts of the world were having such a great time, as well as the Catholics in America, that not even the simple celebration of thanksgiving would not suffice.  Christmas was reinstated and prospered!

Christmas now has been embellished with many additions from America and beyond, The red suited Santa Claus, the Elf on the Shelf, the Grinch and most recently “Black Friday”.  Which leads on to the next level-consumerism.  In the beginning, people celebrated what they had, now, People celebrate by buying in what they don't have, instead of acknowledging abundance, we now try and commemorate the veneer of abundance. We give, but not what people need, but what we want to be seen giving!

There is another side of Christmas that has gone out of control, it is so in control of Christmas, that I dare not speak his name, but there are huge pressures put on families, this time of year and that has to be endured in silence! I’m not sure if it is such a good thing.  But Charles dickens unwittingly, has given licence for anyone, who pertains to such reality to be cast in the role of villain, better known as Scrooge!

That is the problem, I have with Christmas in these times, it’s shuttles every household into a reality TV slot, where every room, every word, every behaviour has to hit the mark and ring that bell of an unobtainable degree.  There is such a push on homogenising everything and everyone, that the pressure shows up all the chinks in the armour of communities, families and individuals.  Realising and suffering these chinks, leads right back to the hysterical and essential Part of any “Reality TV” -the “emotional freak out”!
At a time, when people should be taking stock of what they have, they concentrating on what they don't have and how extreme, the lengths they’ll go to get it, crushing anyone in their way!

May I suggest, to take time out this year and give the presents of time, kindness and spirit, rather than gold, frankenstein and a mirror?

Thursday, 26 November 2015

A Very Alternative Christmas, a funny story of empowerment!

I wrote this last year and over the summer had the fantastic chance to work with Marion Reynolds (A solider's wife) to edit and re-think the story. Enjoy and if you know, someone who'd like it, please share! 

A very Alternative Christmas
It was already getting dark and Mary was sick to the teeth of listening to them ringing in to tell Joe their woes and comparing their broken nail problems to the plight of real sorrow, the kettle was nearly boiled, it was definitely time for tea.

She stared out the window, wondering if being a tough and independent woman, rearing tough and independent children was all it was cracked up to be.
The two were off on their own now, doing their own thing as she had vigorously taught them to do, loving their own families and not caring about their mother, as she, that mother made sure they would do!
Maybe that plan back fired a little? For ten years now, Mary had lived on her own and had gotten very used to it, she loved her husband, but her days spent in the solitary confinement, living a life of prams, school collections and meals became an advantage. The transition to widowhood wasn't hard but now the humiliation of being dragged down to the Community Hall, to be paraded with others deemed as "needy" and fed like cattle from a trough was her main problem.

As she reached for the tea canny, she peered out the window, she could see that goddamn cat. He was around yesterday as well and she surprised herself, when she hit it with the cracked cup from under the sink.  A fine sound rang out when she walloped the thing on the head. 
There it was again, wandering around, calling for a mother that was probably flattened by a speeding car.  How pathetically frail it looked, how pathetic she was herself, redundant, praying for a happy death and a very quick Community Christmas dinner!  As she put the teabag in the cup, she recalled last years dinner.
It was horrible, Mary arrived in with her best clothes on, but oh no, that wasn’t good enough, a young girl, who looked as she had industrial braces for her teeth latched on to Mary like a leech and wouldn’t let go.  

Eventually, Mary had to surrender and was left brandishing a cheap and tacky “Christmas Jumper” and paper hat, she was then plonked down, next to country farmers who have never looked in the mirror, loved only their mother and ate like prisoners.  
Trying desperately to keep their teeth in some sort of position and Mary was left there, to her own devises, trying to understand the old boys, who were also jumpered!

After dinner, the chubby, red-haired, O'Sullivan boy sang exhausted country and western songs, as Mary clapped and smiled, she thought to herself, “That fella, could be doing something better for himself, rather than singing to a crowd of deaf Granny’s!”

After the entertainment, came the bloody raffle, where every senior citizen won either a bucket of talcum powder or a pint of fowl smelling perfume, or a mixture of both, it seemed to scream out “ we’d rather power hose you, than ever have to engage with you intellectually.

After the humiliation of the raffle, Mary thought, she could slink away with her gallon of Tweed, but oh no, there was three hours of Bingo to go yet!

The worst part of the whole day was Joan Bradshaw, three years behind Mary in school and acting like a teenager, dressed up like a pop star, only thing giving her away was it looked as if she padded her bra with something strange and deflated.

Mary could never put her finger on the one thing that annoyed her about Joan, why would anyone take over her head so much? Joan was stuck in every committee, campaign and charity, helping this craytor to do that and that Craytor to do this-always a sign of a sexless and unhappy marriage.
 It is with the country and western singer, her husband would rather want to be with for a night.

Could it be the gushing, the emotion, the speeches and the grandiose way of telling everyone of all the time, money and energy she spent looking after everyone was the main problem?  You'd swear she was Bob Geldof himself feeding fecking Africa, for Christ's sake. 
Or maybe the way her speeches always ended with all her frustrated sidekicks, clapping themselves into an other worldly oblivion, some of them even crying, a good ride would sort them all out!

As Mary tried to shake Joan out of her head, she went to get the milk from the fridge, she gave in and left a saucer of milk outside the door, for that rotten kitten, the vermin tried to coax his way in, rubbing his way around her legs, she tossed him across the yard with her foot and watched as he rolled across the gravel, as she closed the door, her mind slipped right back to her ordeal.  

For five hours, she was trapped in that damp hall, with industrial noisy, smelly heaters, to be dumped at her own dark door, without one person actually talking to her or treating her like a person. They only smiled stupidly at her and took photos with her, as if she was a deserted donkey.
She consoled herself with the thought, “I suppose they mean well, but they just don’t get it”.
The tea was ready and as she sat by the range, the fire got warmer, the evening got darker and her eyes were getting heavier.
Her breathing got stronger, her eyes got heavier and her body got limper, she was asle…………………………………………

It’s hard to describe how someone gets into a dream, only the dream itself and Mary was there, it took a while, to take in where she was, what she was actually seeing, but soon she was comfortable.  Holding her father’s hand, on the road home from Healy’s, she was wearing that red coat that made her feel like a princess, the unique scent of all clothes that popped out of the parcel from America still lingered.  How she cried when she grew out of it and had to watch her cousin, now be the princess. it was dark but not scary, all the candles in the windows welcomed any traveller. Her father telling her, “tonight, the seaweed turns to silk, the gravel turns to diamonds and the ocean turns to wine” her mind was racing with the image and wanted to head over the field to the strand, but, dad offered a warning, “no one has seen it and lived to tell the tale” that was that. scene after scene changed to different times in her life, those times in her life when she denied herself everything, if only she knew then, priests were more horny than holy, her life would have be very different. She was at Charring Cross tube station, telling Julian, that she wouldn’t be going to Blackpool with him, as he was a Protestant and could easily compromise her soul. He was devastated and she loved him. She could feel herself rising out of the scene, higher and higher she went, seeing all of London.
Slowly she came through and first noticed, the dribble down her cheek and then she suddenly realised, that bastard of a cat, on her lap!

The tractor like purring was seeming to hypnotise her and unwittingly, her hand was moving closer to stoke his frail, soft and spirited body.  With every stroke, a strange kind of feeling filled her, everything seemed possible, her life was hers and if she wanted to be odd, she had every right to be!
Once her plan started to come together there was no stopping her, first, she rang John the Taxi Driver “John, I won't be going tomorrow, thank you” she left the message, a job well done. Next, she’d have to be patient, because… 
Jesus, the phone, Mary put on her glasses and looked at the number-it was Geldof herself! How quick the bush telegraph works, or did Joan have Mary's phone bugged?
Mary had to answer otherwise she’d be around with some sidekick, like Batman and Robin, averting this major emergency. 
Quick thinking was needed to put an end to this whole sorry saga.

Mary had just said a calm Hello, when Joan Gushed in, like a flash flood of sewer water!

I have to collect Breifne from the bus, he’s going to Belvedere, don’t you know, he was so good at pretending to be homeless, that i’m buying him, a new set of golf club’s
He got a pair last year on his trip to Florida, but the new Barth & Sons set is out and I know he’d like them. but, are you alright, Marie? Why aren’t joining us tomorrow?
Is there anything I can do for you? I just love helping people like you!

No, no, you’re fine, Joan, looking at the cat, I’ve a visitor, just arrived.

Oh, who’s that?  Who’s called?  They can come along too, don't you know, if they’re not needy, they can just pay €20.

Mary had never played the old lady card before, but decided the devil drives when the needs must.
The forecast is for dry weather and that’s a blessing.

But Mary, who is the visitor?

Sorry Joan, I have to……. Grate the Brussel sprouts, happy Christmas.

But Marie, who?

Mary put down the phone and punched the air, she was free! She found herself rubbing the cat’s head and trying to figure out a name, she can’t keep calling it different obscenities.  She now had to plan out, her own Christmas day and would need help, to get things from town and she wasn’t talking turkey.

Sally, the young girl next door, had just turned 18.  During the summer Mary had spotted her with a boy, at the turn of the road.  Mary had been browsing with her binoculars, she always used her binoculars, but only for security purposes. Sally caught Mary looking and stuck her middle finger up at the spy. Mary knew, that Sally knew, what Mary saw and that was good enough.
She waited til she saw Sally leaving her home and called her over, what a state Sally Looked, black eyes like a Badger, hair styled with lard and more tights than clothes, but they struck up a conversation and a deal was made, Mary knew this bargain would intrinsically link them together for better or worse, it was done.

Christmas morning, Mary woke with Hobbit purring like a Massey Ferguson, wrapped around her head, as if it was what he was born to do and where to be, she turned over for another sleep, what a luxury?
Soon after, she was woken with a belting at the door, she put on her nightgown and slippers and headed to the gateway of her private World, It was Joan! Wearing a jumper, that looked as if Santy vomited it up, after a feed of glitter, curry and drink, yet still not hiding her Pringle boxes and a tin foil type tracksuit bottoms.

Hello Marie, I just can’t help caring about people like you. 

With a flash of inspiration, Mary beckoned to be quiet, as the visitor was asleep, which he was.

Oh right, I brought two Christmas dinners, from my own table, As you see, Deirdre was finishing her PhD and…..

Mary took the plates, smiled and thanked Joan, but made a face as if she had no choice, but had to go.

Watching a puzzled yet indifferent Joan getting into her BMW, she gave a great sigh of relief, it was over and Mary had won!

Mary put on the red dress that was about twenty years old, She couldn’t figure out, if it was due to fragility or seize, but she couldn't zip it up to the top, but she had a purple cardigan, that covered up any anomalies, she then pulled out a pair of shoes, that like Cinderella, could easily turn into a walking aid at midnight if she wasn't careful, but didn’t care.
Sally called over, fixed up Mary’s DVD player and put on “Thelma and Louise” Sally also announced she could visit tomorrow and start teaching Mary about the internet, twitter and texting!

Later, that evening, Mary sipped from her glass of blue wicked (she’d rather Baileys, but that was Sally’s idea) and as she studied the pack of Silk cut purple, she saw the big lettering "SMOKING KILLs" she chuckled to herself and whispered "bring it on". She Watched Hobbit gorging himself on the two plates of rubber that Joan had brought. As Mary settled down to eat a yard and a half of After Eights.
She raised her glass and said “Fuck you” to the world and looked forward to two thousand and ………… whatever it is.

The end.

Wednesday, 11 November 2015

The first leg of the journey and already a lesson learned!

.The theory was, get the 7.20am bus to Cork city, wait there and get the bus to Dublin Airport and fly to London, waiting till Tuesday to fly to New York, a simple plan?

At 6am, I checked the status of the Dublin to London flight, as some flights were being cancelled, because of fog.  It was cleared for take off and so was I. Slept most of the journey to Cork, which was great the night before was not “8 hours of full relaxation sleep” effort, as you can well imagine.

Met with a great friend for coffee and got my hair cut and looked a million “Dollars” (When nearly in America?) 
 Next job was to check in and print off ticket, went to a very busy internet Cafe, where to my shook, everyone was eating very obviously at the desks, which is a little annoyance of mine. After a couple of clicks, I was on the British Airways website and ready to go, or was I?  After going back and forward, verifying and realising, my flight to London had been cancelled. I found number for British Airways Dublin information, Eventually, got to talk to some lovely lady, who, after a very long time, told me she couldn't help me, as I had booked in America and could only change things there.

I then rang America, hoping they could sort things out on that end and then the big decision came………

2.30pm bus back to Castletownbere or 2.30pm bus to Dublin Airport?
There was a very seductive train of thought being offered with the bus to Castletownbere, I could go home, think to myself that; 
“Nothing ever works out for me, no matter what I do, everything falls part. I have the Midas touch, only backwards. It’s fine for all the other people, life happens so easy for them, they just sail through it and enjoy, whereas, I’ve nothing only blocks, stop signs and destruction.”

But, since my new affirmation, over the last month has been; With head held up high and shoulders back “I’m good, I’m lovely and I want to succeed” i decide to go with that and head to Dublin.

On route, I got a call from British Airways with America on another line and it was sorted, I now fly today, Tuesday from Dublin to London and then London to New York. With all the calls to here, there and everywhere, the battery died on my phone, where I had the number of a good friends partner, who I could stay with, if I could only contact, 

There were sockets on the bus for chargers.

But I had packed all chargers in the big case, which was sitting in the bowels of the bus

I had my iPad and contacted my friend by Facebook and she organised my stay-Phew!

So, here I am, waiting to head to Dublin Airport and still head to America, all because 
“I’m good
I’m lovely
I want to succeed!”

A good mixture of positive thinking, quick wits and practical action is only way to combat the beautiful challenges that life throws your way? 

Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Dogs are our best friend!

Well, it’s been one of those weeks, From battling with low self-esteem, self doubt and that temptation to “take to the bed” , through a very strong and needed realisation that “I am worth my salt, irrespective of my view count”, finishing to a great feeling of pride in myself and my work, I wish i could keep that felling in a bottle and draw from in times of darkness, but the only option there is to do more great work!

I’ve so much to say, but i’m going to work backwards. Yesterday, I was asked to open an exhibition of photographs by Beara Camera Club, in conjunction with “PAWS for Wellbeing”

Some Details of PAWS Project

More Details

PAWS for Wellbeing.
This project is the brainchild of local community worker with the HSE Bridin Ashe and is based around the idea of how important dogs are for our wellbeing and is being worked upon by many varied demographic groups.
On Saturday, the 19th September, a photographic exhibition was launched by Beara Camera Club at Castletownbere Library and will run for four weeks. 

There will also be a multi-denominational blessing of dogs and other pets on the first Sunday of October,  which is World Animal Day.

Bridin has also organised a writing project for 5th and 6th students of all nine schools in Beara and I’m in negotiations to write, design and perform a puppet show on the theme.

It really is a very worthy project, considering the terrible stories we hear of people being so inhumane and monstrous towards dogs and other animals, these people are so emotionally unevolved, that it cannot ensure any good future for them or the people around them?

But this Paws for Wellbeing, not only celebrates dogs and their contribution to our wellbeing, but gives a chance to others, of the wonderful advantages of owning and loving a dog.

For me, it really was an honour and a pleasure to be asked to officially open the exhibition. 

 Dogs have always been a major part in my life, My Dad and our, neighbours, cousins and friends kept Beagles, even though we referred to them as Bay-gles! dad would tell me stories of Finn Mac Cumhail and the bravery, loyalty and intelligence of his two hounds Bran and Sceo’lan. He also told me, that we had dissented from Finn and our dogs and dissented from his, giving me a real Celtic connection to dogs!

A Quick look at the Exhibition

A Photo telling a thousand words?
Here are the opening speeches from the day, more details and thoughts about paws to come very soon.

Sunday, 1 February 2015

Bridging The Goddess

In writing this, I must first declare, that I’m not a theologian, scholar or expert of any kind.
I’ve Celtic blood in me and grew up, listening to the old people and learning from the land, I also had to listen to what I was taught in School.

In my home and childhood, the 1st of February was such an exciting time, racing up the bogs to see and hear the frogs spawning, was a huge delight, it was the start of hope and Spring! In the sheds, the cows were beginning to calf, which meant a lot of late night visits with my Dad, in the dark of night, sitting on the hay, smelling all the scents of reality, nature and life.

My first memories of this time were of leaving out the “Brat Bride” a white cloth or rag that would be touched by Brigid, as she passed by. For someone with a huge imagination, this fuelled endless visions of the woman flying through the sky, tapping all with her magic wand.

Of coarse, in school, we learned of a “saint brigid” a girl who converted to the new religion, gave butter and food to the poor. When her father (a horrid Pagan) looked in the pantry, all was restored as good as new!

She also, asked a horrible Pagan Chieftain for land, she asked for all her cloak would cover, he mockingly agreed. When she laid down her cloak, it grew and grew, until it covered all his land, so, he had to relinquish it and convert.

An old lady, who was our neighbour, would gather the rushes and we would make crosses together, sending them out across the globe.

Growing up, I found the story of Brigid's cloak a bit weird, never knew why, until later on, I started reading and realised I was a Celt, paganism was my heritage and began to discover, question and learn.

The story of Brigid’s cloak, bothers me because it has Brigid using trickery and device to what she wants! It resonates back to the idea of Eve, the apple and the idea that a woman can never be trusted, no matter how much revered!  I also felt the Celtic Chieftain was hard done by, he was only believing in what he believed as right.  Her cloak had more to do with the land, the Goddess was now awakening. 

Putting that bigger Debate to one side, It’s more productive to talk about the Goddess Brigid and of ways and reasons to honour her at this time.

1) The Brát Bride is a piece of white cloth, that you leave outside, either on the night of January 31st or February 1st, Brigid will bless this and you keep it for the year. It is said to have healing powers, especially with childbirth, when a cow was calving, we would take the Brát and a christian medal to bless the animal (the old Gods and the new).  I’ve been a bit mad with my Brát this year, but will cut up and give out as gifts! I also made a piece of felt, inspired by yesterday's fantastic clouds! 

My own Brát Bride

A felt piece, left out last night

2) The cross is probably the most well known features of Imbolg, I hope I’ve covered everything about about here in my video; 

3) The Biddy or the Brideog is a doll, simple in design and carried around the community, a bit like the wren boys in December.  The Biddy is a bit more sinister, its more influenced by the sap rising and a bit of scamping as well. I remember, the first biddy I saw was when about thirty people all dressed up, cramped into our house, singing, dancing and conducting mayhem, they had an accordion, drums and a bugle, it was about 10 o clock at night, fun and scary at the same time, they were collecting money for charity, a practice that still goes on, n Kerry today. My Dad would always fondly remember himself and his cousin's wife , practising and swapping genders for the night, confusing everyone!

The Biddies I remember were crude rag dolls

The Brideog must have started as a corn/rush Dolly of sorts

4) The 1st or 2nd of February is a great time to start gardening!  Winter is still in our midst, but you break up the earth, as Brigid is creating growth, repot some plant or even begin to plan your garden, if you’re in a city, set some mustard or cress, something that doesn't take too much care to grow, so as to avoid disappointment!  Great as well, to grow something you can eat. 

Over the last decade, we have become divorced from the land and see it only as monitory value, interest rates and Negative/Positive equity, the land is a life giving source and should treated, worked and valued more respectfully.  Even taking a walk in Nature and really seeing and feeling what there is to see and feel, or just feeding the birds!

Dug up the vegtable patch, getting ready for gardening.

From a very young age, I've always been fascinated with Mother Nature and the seasons, back in 2004, I put together my first "Glitter na Gig puppet show about Spring taking over the throne from Winter, it and many other stories toured very successfully throughout the country and beyond, I've taken time out to write up the collection and film the shows, here is an excerpt; 

The Spring Puppet.
All this unrest made Winter curl his upper lip as if to smile and he forgot his looming departure. suddenly, the puffing and howling of Polaria shattered the silence of Winter's icy court, as she breezed in, as a blue haze from the sky.  He greeted her kindly and worshipped her great work, but then declared his fear to Polaria, soon they would be melted and replaced by a warm glow, destroying their fiendish work.  Polaria refrained from answering for a moment, only looked out ahead of her and waited. 
Winter thinking she had not heard him, growled at her, to get her attention.

Polaria calmly declared
"We don't have to give up the throne, Winter"

Winter jumped off his cold silvery seat and pleaded 
"Carry on, Polaria, what do you mean?"

"If we get Spring to reject the throne three times and not tell her the magic word

Winter  "tà-hay-len"

"Not tell ANYONE the magic word we mustn't mention it at all, it is too powerful to bandy about"

Winter nodded in agreement and questioned further  "but how could he stop spring taking the throne? The cycle of the seasons is unstoppable and Mother Nature could surely"

Polaria             "if what I've heard is right, soon, we won't have to worry about Mother Nature"

Polaria whispered an awful plan into Winters ear and they both laughed thinking of "Winter forever"

Polaria blew herself out of sight and left Winter thinking to himself the wonders of eternal cold and the prospect of a very prolonged reign.  Suddenly, the air took on a beautiful scent and a slight sense of hope wafted throughout the land, Badger and all the animals felt a hint of happiness and the trees stretched out their buds for a moment.  There was a faint sound of fairy music, the magical tone of petal bells could be heard from the West, cobweb drums and beautiful voices started reaching across the sky.
All that heard, took a deep breath and exhaled with the words

"She's coming, Spring is finally coming!"

Sure enough, glimmers of a turquoise gown with silver trimming could be seen through the now ever so slightly regenerated branches, wisps of golden hair were seen in the sky and there was a warm feeling spreading across the hearts of all the creatures throughout the land.  Soon, Spring had composed herself and with all the vibrancy of her youth and innocence of her mind, she headed up the mountain touching branches and starting the buds to grow,as she went, blowing warmth on the little birds, giving them all the hint of a new lease of life, making merry with all the animals, until she arrived at her destination-Winter's throne.

Happy Imbolg to everyone!