Tis only me

Tis only me

Friday, 31 January 2014

Brigit's Cross how and why?

The 1st of February is fast approaches, we look back to a great time of year, in the Celtic festival; Imbolg, This festival celebrates the sap raising in the plants and trees, the notion of is coming into peoples minds and the milk is starting to flow in the animals udders,
The cross represents the four Celtic Seasons; Samhain, Imbolg, Bealtine and Lughasagh, it's the beginning of the wheel moving.
Even though the weather is bad, there is a notion of Spring in the air and on the ground.
Growing in South West Kerry, there was always plenty of activity for this time of year.  Groups of people playing music, dressed and masked to horrendous promotions, would call around to the houses. Very much like the "wren, but these revelers would call at night.
The group were called "the Biddy and would carry a doll to represent the goddess herself.
People would also put out a small piece of white material, so, the goddess would touch it and imbue it with her growing power.
This Brat Braide was used for healing and Childbirth.
Let us celebrate and trust in the goddess to bring growth, spring and procperity to us all.

Sean O'Laoghaire

A Close up, to make sure you're on the right track, always remember, the Celts were a very forgiving people, it's what is in your heart that counts, not what's in their rule book!

Friday, 17 January 2014

I'm coming out!

Right, that's it, I've hidden in the shadows for far too long, there has been a secret inside me and I need to come clean.

Over the many lives I've lived people have seen me, as facilitator, puppet master, farmer, artist, author and whatever else you'd like to throw in.

But over the Past few months, I've been traveling up and down to the Park Studios, in Ranelagh, Dublin.

Where I've been Partaking in a "Working In Television" Course, It is really, really great, inspiring and just great fun, whatever happens, I'm glad I've done it!

The Scary Dollies Puppets are still on the go, just taking a little break.


Tullula O'Tullaig has also been quiet, but will be back on line as well,


And watch out for many, many, many more fun things to see, do and be shocked by....

Of coarse, any job offers ideas and sponsorship deals welcome!
